Contact Me
Philip C. LaBerge
Coppell, TX
Information about Nicolas Laberge
and the French Canadians who
explored & settled Louisiana and Texas
in the 1700's.
Nicolas Laberge (Son of
In Pierre-Lionel LaBerge's book on the early history of
the Laberge family, he mentions Nicolas Laberge, Sr. and his departure for
the Mississippi. He describes
how times were difficult and Nicolas decided to sell his
half of the Laberge
property. In May of 1702 Nicolas signed a contract
with Charles Juchereau
de Saint-Denis in Montreal to join a company of 26 men to
go down the
Mississippi to the junction of the Ohio river and
establish a tannery.
Pierre-Lionel stated, "Nicolas Laberge would never return
from this trip to the Mississippi, perhaps because he was a victim of
murder or robbery, as often happened in the course of such expeditions."
That prompted me to find out if there was any available
information on the
expedition and what Nicolas Laberge's fate was. What I discovered
more than I ever would have anticipated with the
appearance of Nicolas
Laberge in the 1711 census of French Louisianna, the Laberge connection
to the Juchereau family in Beauport, the amazing history of Louis
de Saint-Denis, and Athanase de Mezieres who married one of Saint-Denis'
daughtersj. De Mezieres was the first European to explore the Dallas area
where I
A separate web page has been created with a timeline
listing his
journey from Québec down the Mississippi and the many Laberge
People & Groups
Alarcón, Governor Don Martin de: |
Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, Sieur: |
Cent Associés, Compagnie des (100 Associates):
Champlain, Samuel |
Company of the West & East Indies Company:
Courers des Bois: |
Crozat, Antoine : |
De Mezieres Y Cluny, Athanase |
Giffard, Robert: |
Guay, Alexis: |
Hidalgo, Father Francisco: |
Jolliet, Louis & Father Marquette:
Juchereau de Saint-Denis, Charles: |
Juchereau de Saint-Denis: Louis: |
Juchereau de Saint-Denis: François: |
Juchereau de Saint-Denis: Nicolas (father) & Marie-Thérèse
Giffard |
Juchereau, Jean (grandfather): |
Petronille Feliciane de Saint-Denis (daughter of
Louis Juchereau de Saint-Denis) |
Hautmesnil, Jean-François Philippe de (brother of
Saint-Lambert): |
King Philip V of Spain: |
Laberge, Nicolas: |
Laberge, Guillaume: |
La Harpe, Jean Baptiste Benard de: |
La Salle, René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de:
Law, John: |
Le Moyne, Antoine, de Châteaugué |
Le Moyne, Jean Baptiste, Sieur de Bienville:
Le Moyne, Pierre, Sieur de Iberville: |
Le Tardif, Olivier: |
Louis IV: |
Mandeville, François Philippe de (brother of
Saint-Lambert): |
Penicault, André-Joseph: |
Philippe, Michel: |
Ponchartrain, Jérôme Phélypeaux de : |
Saint-Lambert, Gabriel Philippe: |
Sylvestre, Marie Olivier (Manitouabeouich) (adobted
daughter of Olivier Le Tardif and wife of Martin Prévost, uncle of
Nicolas Durand): |
Thomas Touchet: |
Ramón, Don Diego: |
Sanchez de Navarro, Emanuelle: |
Tonti, Henri de: |
Beauport, Québec: |
Biloxi: |
Camino Real, San Antonio Road, King's Highway:
Dallas Texas: |
Fort Condé (New Fort Mobile): |
Fort La Boulaye: |
Fort Louis de la Louisiane (Old for Mobile):
Nacogdoches, Spain (Texas): |
Natchitoches, Louisiana: |
Red River: |
Tannery on the Wabash (Ohio): |
Trammell's Trace: |
San Juan Bautista, Presidio del Norte:
Native American Tribes
Asinai: |
Bayogoulas: |
Caddodaquois: |
Chickasaw: |
Colapissas: |
Houmas: |
Iroquois: |
Koroas: |
Mongoulachas: |
Nakasas: |
Natchitoches: |
Pecuache: |
Sioux: |
Tejas Group: |
Tensas: |
Tonikan: |
Tunica: |
Yataches: |
Yazoos: |
Cavalier In The Wilderness, by Ross Phares
Champlain's Dream, by David Hackett Fischer
Monsieur Olivier, by Marc-André Tardif
Old Mobile, Fort Louis de la Louisiane 1702-1711, by
Jay Higginbotham |
Virtual Museum of New France, Canadian Museum of
Virtual Museum of New France |
Special Note:
On Ancestry.com, the death date for Nicolas Laberge, Sr.
(son of Robert) has been confused with the death of his son Nicolas who
died at the age of about 33 years old from an epidemic in the village of
Berthier* on the south bank of the Saint Lawrence just across
from Saint-Jean-De-L'Île-D'Orléans, in the parish of
Here is a link to the church record for the death of
Nicolas, Jr.
No records exist in Québec of Nicolas Laberge, Sr. after
he left for the
Mississippi in 1702. Had he later returned to Québec he would have
shown up
in the many records associated with Maison Laberge, the lawsuits of
Marie Ursule Durand, his wife and children which he had left behind, and
his sibling; however, none exists. I am actively researching his
fate after the
last known record of him in the 1711 census at Mobile, Louisiana.
If you have incorrectly listed the death date for Nicolas
Laberge, Sr. on
Ancestry.com, please correct it so that the error is not perpetuated!
*Note: The death record states that Nicolas, Jr.
was a resident of
"Berthier dan le Sud." The current day town of Berthier-sur-Mer
http://goo.gl/maps/6x5fj was previously the seigneury of "Berthier-en-bas."
That should not not be confused with Berthierville which is south of
More information and links to come soon.......