My Family Lines | ||||||
born: 1638-----------1822---------1859-------1891------1924---------1957
Name: Philip Charles LaBerge
My Father: Walter Barber LaBerge My Mother: Patricia Anne Sammon LaBerge
Family Timeline
1543: Nicolaus Copernicus dies after publishing his book De
revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial
Spheres) showing that the earth
1562: Begin of the French Wars of Religion in France
between Catholics
1590: Jean de la Berge, Robert's grandfather, was born.
1596: René Descartes was born March 31st. He was a key
figure in the Scientific Revolution which was a series of events that
marked the emergence of modern
1612: Jacques de la Berge, Robert's father, was born.
1616: Galileo was able to look at the night sky with the newly
invented telescope.
1633: Galileo was put on trail by the church, forced to recant
1635-1636: The plague ravages Lower Normandy.
1638: Robert de la Berge is born May 24th. Louis XIV is
born September 5th
The mark of Jean de la Berge and his son Jacques de la Berge
1639: Jean de la Berge, Robert's grandfather, died.
1649: Thomas Touchet departs La Rochelle in the winter and
arrives in teamed up with
Antoine Rouillard to create the firm Rouillard-Touchet & 1650:
On December 4th, Rouillard-Touchet build a house for Nicolas
Juchereau, Sieur de Saint-Denis. It Juchereau's son Charles who
led the expedition down 1652:
Thomas Touchet builds and extension on the house of Guillaume Guillaume
Couillard figure
at the Louis-Hébert monument
at Montmorency
1653: Thomas Touchet returns to France to find a wife.
1655: Thomas Touchet marries Suzanne Ferrier and a son named
Simon is
1658: Nicolas Durand receives
concession from Olivier Le Tardif for the land
1658: After leaving La Rochelle, Robert de la Berge arrives in
Québec aboard
1660: Louis XIV marries Marie-Thérèse of Austria,
daughter of King Philip IV
1660: On February 2nd, Robert de la Berge is confirmed in
Chateâu-Richer by Monseigneur François de Laval who had recently arrived
in Québec on
Saint Francis-Xavier de Montmorency-Laval, commonly referred to as François de Laval (30 April 1623 – 6 May 1708), was the first Roman Catholic bishop of Quebec, appointed when he was 36 years old by Pope Alexander VII. Laval was a member of the Montmorency family and was one of the most influential men of his day.
Françoise Gosse arrives from Noyon, Pircardie in April. She
After having completed his 3 year contract of
indenture with Macé Gravel, Robert was granted a concession of land in
Chateau Richer. Robert resold that
1663: On February 4th, Robert obtains a land grant from Charles
de Lauson, Seigneur of Charny, in the parish of St. Famillie on L'Ile de
Orléans, directly
1663: On February 5th, the great earthquake struck with a
magnitude of
1663: Nicolas Durand dies on April 1st.
Françoise marries Robert on May 28th. Robert 1663: On November 11th, Robert sells his land on Ile d'Orléans to Philippe Pasquet
1664: The parish of L'Ange-Gardien is founded in October at house
of Jean
Artistic rendering of Robert de la Berge (meaning we
1667: Robert Laberge along with two other almost drown when
their boat 1674: On April 30th, 1674, Robert's son Guillaume was born.
1674: In the 1970's, the former owner of Maison Laberge,
Jacques Gagnon,
1680: After having spelled his name a variety of different way,
Robert 1685: Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV.
1691-1695: Robert helps build the Moulin-du-Petit-Pré in
Château Richer for Charles Pouliot. This is the same person that
Robert sold his first concession
1697: In preparation for the retirement of Robert &
Françoise, Maison
1702: Robert's son Nicolas leaves his wife and children behind in
Timothée Laberge was the first Laberge to leave L'Ange-Gardien and
1712: Robert Laberge dies April 2nd. 1714: Louis XIV dies September 1st
1729: On March 31st, Robert's son Guillaume died. In
his inventory, the house
1737: On February 23rd, François de la Berge died in Colomby-sur-Thaon.
1759: On July 31st, the English attacked at Québec at Beauport
When the house was burned, it must have had stone walls at that point.
1762: France cedes Louisiana (everything west of the Mississippi
north to
1765: Pierre de la Berge and family of Saint-Martin Parish near
Caen begin
1776: The United States declare independence.
1808: Joseph Marie Laberge (not on my direct line) leaves Asomption,
1810: Maison Laberge expanded for the 3rd time to the west.
1813: On January 22nd, Joseph Marie LaBarge, the father of the famed
1815: On June 18, 1815, the French forces under Napoleon
Bonaparte lost
1815: On October 1, 1815, Captain Joseph LaBarge is born in
1822: My ancestor Pierre Laberge is born. St Constant Birthplace of Armand Laberge.pdf
1825: At the age of 10 years old, the future Captain Joseph
LaBarge met 1830: On October 27th, Charles E. Coloney is born in St. Albans, Vermont. 1833: On May 13th, Antoine Laberge, Pierre's youngest brother was born.
1838: Jean Baptiste Laberge, The Patriot, is sentenced to death
after the
1846: On January 27th Pierre Laberge married Félicité Doumouchelle.
They had 1855: On November 1st, Félicité Doumouchelle died.
1855-1857: Pierre Laberge is the first mayor of what was the new
1858: On May 11, Minnesota is admitted as the 32nd state.
Charles E. Coloney
Charles E. Coloney & Adelia Matthews Adelia Matthews
1858: On September 8th, Pierre Laberge married Marie Hedwige Lewis.
1859: Captain Joseph Marie LaBarge teaches Abraham Lincoln
how to navigate 1859: In September, Armand Pierre Samuel LaBerge is born.
1861: In March 4th, Abraham Lincoln is elected. On April
1st, the American
1864: In early 1864, Charles E. Coloney elisted at the age of 33
in St. Louis in
1864: In the Spring of 1864, Charles E. Coloney's regiment was
readying to move
1864: On November 16th, Clara Minnesota Coloney is born in St.
Louis, Missouri.
1865: In early 1865, Charles E. Coloney was commissioned a
First Lieutenant 1865: On April 9th, the American Civil War ends.
1866: In July, Charles E. Coloney is mustered out, leaving
his company at
1866-1867: Michel Laberge explores the Yukon and then
returns to live the
1878: Photo below of Clara Minnesota Coloney at the age of 14 in
St. Louis,
1882: Tintype photo taken of Pierre Laberge in about 1882..
(Below) Antoine Laberge, Pierre's youngest brother, was born on 13 May 1833 in Châteauguay, Québec. He was buried there on 04 Dec 1912
(L) Joseph Alphonse Trudel and Marie-Amelie (Mélina) Laberge, Armand's older step-sister. Mélina was the third child of Pierre Laberge and Félicité Doumouchelle. Félicité died on 01 Nov 1855 and Pierre married Marie Hedwige Lewis on 08 Sep 1858. Armand Laberge was the first of four children from that union. It
should also be noted that Alphonse is a
1882: On 17 Jul 1882, Armand Laberge was commissioned as a Corporal
1883: On 04 Sep
1883 he was commissioned as a
Sergeant in that same
Tintype photos of Armand LaBerge.
1887: Armand LaBerge leaves St. Joseph, Missouri for Chicago.
(R-L): Marie Hedwige Lewis Laberge (wife of Pierre Laberge), Marie-Ann (Virgie) Laberge, portrait of Armand Laberge, Marie Marguerite Rosa (Rose) Laberge and Marie Hedwige Laberge (daughter).
The portrait of son Armand Pierre Samuel Laberge was taken prior about 1887 after Armand had left St. Joseph, Missouri to work in Chicago.
Picture taken of Rose Laberge in St. Joseph, Missouri. Rose would later marry Matthew Osborne Cannfield (below) in about 1888. In Oct 1898 their son Bertrand was born. Late in 1899 they moved to Kansas City, Missouri.
Rose's younger sister Virgie,
who had married married John Philip Duke
(age 77). In 1940
1890: Armand Pierre Samuel LaBerge marries Clara Minnesota
Coloney on
1891: In May, Walter Coloney LaBerge is born.
Helene Marie LaBerge (Walter C's younger sister) was born
Coloney due to the Coloney line tracing back to the Parkers who
fought in the revolution in Rhode Island.
Photo taken in
1924: On March 29th, 1924, Walter Barber LaBerge is born. I
Family photo taken in 1935. (L-R) Helene Marie, Pierre Robert, Walter Barber, Walter Coloney, Marie June
Marie June Barber's father, Eddie Barber, was a conductor on the Chicago
At the age of 7 years old, Walter Barber LaBerge had the opportunity
1957: On September 2nd, 1957, Philip Charles LaBerge is born.
1970: On July 14th, Paul-Eugène Laberge sells Maison
Laberge to Louis-
1974: On May 27th, the application submitted by
Louis-Jacques Gagnon
1974: On July 1st, 1974,
Walter LaBerge flew in the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.
2011: On June 13th, 2011, Philip LaBerge purchased Maison
Laberge which was